Don’t Drive Stupid
Driving Down Fatalities
Zero Fatalities’ Don’t Drive Stupid, an off-shoot of the original Zero Fatalities program, was created specifically for teenagers, helping them understand the importance of safe driving. The program also involves educating parents about the graduated driver license laws and reinforcing their responsibility as a parent of a teen driver. Studies show that teens who have involved parents are twice as likely to buckle up, 70 percent less likely to drink and drive, half as likely to speed and 30 percent less likely to drive while talking on the phone.
Zero Fatalities
Saving Lives on Utah, Nevada and Iowa’s Roads
The goal of the Zero Fatalities program is to save lives by raising awareness of the top behaviors that are killing people on the roads in Utah, Nevada and Iowa. Penna Powers has spent years implementing strategic partnerships, grassroots outreach tactics and emotional TV and radio spots to captivate viewers, instill the importance of driving safely and ultimately reduce traffic fatalities to the only number we can all live with—zero.
Road Respect
Share the Road; Respect Each Other
The startling number of motor vehicle crashes involving cyclists prompted the Utah Department of Transportation and the Utah Department of Public Safety to create a “share the road” campaign designed to remind motorists and cyclists of the rules of the road.